The Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration (SHA) Project
The Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration (SHA) Project

The Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration (SHA) Project

To ensure that both Thai and foreign tourists have a positive experience and they are happy and confident in the hygiene and safety standards of Thailand’s tourism products and services. Thailand started the Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration (SHA) Project.

The Amazing Thailand Safety and Health Administration project is a result of cooperation between:SHA - Thailand Health & Safety
    • the Ministry of Tourism and Sports
    • the  TAT
    • the Ministry of Public Health
    • the Wing of Disease Control
    • the Department of Health and
    • the Sector of Health Service Support
    • Government and private sector organizations involved in the tourism industry
Together they aim to make tourism a part of Thailand’s disease prevention and hygiene measures. So combining public health safety measures and companies’ high-quality service standards, we can prevent the spread of COVID-19. Because it will improve Thailand’s tourism products and service standards. So, Various boards in the tourism industry are in charge of inspection and certifying the result of improving a workplace according to the SHA standards.

Types of workplaces

  1. Restaurants / diners
  2. Hotel and Meeting place
  3. Tourist attraction
  4. Transportation
  5. Travel agency (only local)
  6. Health and beauty
  7. Department store and Shopping centers
  8. Sports for tourism
  9. Entertainment
  10. Shops.
The TAT grants SHA  certificates and assigns a serial number to successful entrepreneurs. It records it in the database of the list of entrepreneurs who have received the SHA certificate. The entrepreneurs have to comply with the SHA  standards because otherwise, TAT can cancel the SHA certificate. SHA gives hygiene and safety measures for tourists. During the re-opening time of companies or services, tourists and service receivers are asked to provide any suggestions by TAT. Data can be used for more improvements.
Companies will be randomly inspected by the board. Another Project inside Thailand is the cooperation of DMC's which built a uniform Health & Safety Standards

more details about SHA 



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