Komodo Island - Divesite Description - Part 2
Most of the dive sites around the Komodo Archipelago has the Komodo Island. There are great dive sites to be found in our Komodo Island Dive Site Description Part 2
Dive Site Lohwenci Reef - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island

Dive Site Langkoi Rock

Dive Site The Alley - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island

Dive Site German Flag - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island
From September to January high densities of plankton attract many large manta rays that can normally be seen swimming on the surface along the shores and rocks along southern Komodo Island. The nearshore water is quite shallow (5 - 20m deep) and is composed of large rocks and boulders that shelter huge malabar grouper, potato cod, napoleon wrasse, schools of surgeon fishes and red snappers. Cooler water from the upwellings off the south coast provide a nutrient-rich environment in this area. There is usually current at this site and a drift dive is usually the best way to go.
Dive Site South Tala

Dive Site Tanjung Loh Sera - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island

Dive Site Indihiang - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island

Dive Site Loh Namu - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island

Dive Site Pantai Merah - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island

Dive Site Darat Passage South - Loh Liang (Komodo) Island
Turtles can be seen on this pretty coral reef. At 20-25m depth to the south of the point, many small coral trout, large schools of anchovies and small tuna and trevallies come in to feed in the bay. Deeper along the bottom of the slope fish life increases; garden eels sway and whitetip reef sharks sleep on the sandy bottom near the point. Good snorkeling here although a lot of damage has been done by fish bombing and reef gleaning (meting).The entry point for this dive site is inside the bay along the eastern shore of the peninsula with the reef to the left side of the diver. The best time to dive is when the current is running from east to west through the narrow passage between Gililawa Darat and Komodo Island. The dive ends when the current brings you around the point. The best place to see many fish while snorkeling is at the tip of the point.Gililawa Bay is a good anchorage for boats.
Explore more of Komodo Island Dive Description:
enter Komodo Dive Site Description part 1 which includes the divesites: Tanjung Rusa, Toro Oi, GPS Point, Letuhoh Reef, Toroletuhoh, Nisaleme Island, Batu Saloka, Banana Split, Tukoh-lehokgebah, Tukoh-serikaya
enter Komodo Dive Site Description part 4 which includes the divesites: Pillaarsteen, Nusa Kode, Crinoid Canyon, Boulders, Yellow Wall, Cannibal Rock/ Batu Buas, Torpedo Point, Toro Sie, Sebayor Kecil, Mini Wall, Sabolan Kecil
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