Dive Sites Gorgonia Forest - Layang Layang Dive sites Gorgonian Forest - Layang Layang
Dive Sites Gorgonia Forest - Layang Layang

Dive Sites Gorgonia Forest - Layang Layang

Hammerhead Sharks araound Gorgonia Forest - Layang Layang Experience: **
Current: **
Visibility:  20 - 50 meter
Depth: 15 - 40 meter
Snorkel Condition:  
The wall here drops from 15 meters down to 40 and then beyond. A current runs parallel to the wall and huge red, yellow and green Gorgonians can be seen feeding in it. The viz here can be awsome as a result of the horizontal current. It is also one of the better places to spot hammerhead sharks and big schooling pelagics such as tuna and barracuda. The scalloped hammerheads are most likely to appear in April and May, they can be in extremely large schools so keep an eye out towards the deep blue.