Geography | |
Country Name: |
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
The country was once called Union of Burma and changed in 1989 into Union of Myanmar and later to the todays version of " Republic of the Union of Myanmar".
Government type: | Unitary presidential republic |
Capital name: | Nay Pyi Taw (since 2005) before for a very long time the administraive capital was Yangon / Rangoon. |
Geographic coordinates: | 19 45 N, 96 6 E |
Area: | 676,578 sq. km. |
Provinces: | 14 states |
People | |
Population: | over 60 million |
Nationality: | Burman |
Ethnic groups: | Myanmar is made up of 135 national races, of which the eight main national races are Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan, each residing in respective areas across the country. Each and individual has their lovely, long-established customs and cultures and they usually dress themselves up traditionally. Burman 68%, Shan 9%, Karen 7%, Takhine 4%, Chinese 3%, Indian 2%, Mon 2 % other 5% |
Religions: | Myanmar people mainly practice Theravada Buddhism and anyone in Myanmar has the freedom to follow what they believe in. Buddhist 89%, Christian 4 %, Islam 4 %, Hinduism 1 %, others 2% incl. Atheism, Animism and Chinese folk religion |
Essential Information | |
Local time: | UTC+6.30 (plus six and a half hours) |
Currency : | kyat (MMK) (pronounced 'chaat') |
Exchange rates: | http://www.oanda.com/currency/converter/ |
Local Current: | 220 volts / 50 cycles; and occasionally some power cuts, American and central Europe plugs |
Date Format | dd-mm-yyyy |
Drives on the | right |
Internet TLD: | .mm |
Calling Code: | +95 |
Many national races mean that they speak different dialects. The official language is burmese, second language english plus many regional languages as: Jingpho, Kayak, Karen, Chin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan.
Climate / Weather
Myanmar lies in the monsoon region of Asia, as many of her neighbor countries and best described a tropical and humid during most of the year.
Due to the elongated shape, Myanmar has diverse climate and Temperatures are different depending the location. Myanmar can be roughly divided into three seasons:
- Hot (Summer) Season from March to mid May
- Monsson (rainy) Season from mid May to the end of October
- Cold Season from November to the end of February
Climate change, global warming and
THE GREENHOUSE effect refer to the same global environmental climate changes
Weather (Current Myanmar Weather Forcast) is generally temperate and cool in the north and north-eatern parts. During the monsson season, lower Myanmar and costal aras enjoy heavy rain-shoers but it is dry and pleasant in the central region. During the hot season the temperatures in Yangon can climb as high as 36°C with falling to around 19°C in the night during the cool season. Mandalay is slightly cooler in the cool season as low as 13°C while as high as 37°C during the hot season. In the highlands such as Pyin U Lwin and Inle Lake the temperature during the cool season falling as low as 13°C while during the hot season the go up as 37°C.
The most amazing area are close to the Indian border and been actually part of the Himmalay Mountain, where are permanently snow capped throughout the year. Myanmar is a year round destination.